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Meet The Founder

When Russ isn't working, you can find him cooking/serving the less fortunate or playing with Dolly (his dog). Russ was born and raised in El Dorado, KS. 

My Story

On September 13th 2021 I received a phone call no brother ever wants to get! My brother-in-law was on the other end and told me Kristi, my sister, had been in a motorcycle accident. He had no details other than she was at one of the hospitals in Wichita. I called the hospital to get information and was told I needed to speak to the Chaplain. Come to find out later everyone has to speak to the Chaplain no matter what the circumstances are, but you can imagine where my mind went. After a few hours of not knowing anything of her condition we were finally told she would be alright but had lost her left leg at just above the knee.


My sister is a member of a Local motorcycle club called the KromeKitty. I called a couple of members to inform them of the situation. From that moment on we as a family had to do very little except be by my sister’s side for support at the hospital and then the rehab center. The KromeKitty MC and my brother-in-law's MC, Fire and Iron, came together and started a meal train, rides to school for my niece, rides to Doctors appointments, fundraising, hanging out with her when family couldn’t. They also come together to build a ramp for entrance into the house before she made it home. One club member also took her for a ride on her trike soon after…to get her back on the road.

Watching them come together and support one of their own was inspiring…but I also realized not everyone has that same support. That’s when the concept of Mayhem USA began growing inside of me. 


I'm always looking for new volunteer to help spread the news about our organization. Let's connect.

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